Hello again! We hope you’ve been looking forward to the next training. These are new workouts for you!
This Care workout will help you work on your arms, make them stronger and at the same time enjoy simple stretching moves.
Ready to move? Steps, twists and rotations are waiting for you in this one!
This Strength block contains exercises for your back muscles and healthy spine. You will also work on your abs and core, and do some pleasant stretches.
You have tried three different formats of workout videos.
We would really appreciate your feedback about them.
What do you think about the videos?
Which format did you like more - Oly speaking from Monday sets, with recorded comments from Wednesday's version, or a voiceover by an English native speaker from today?
And other questions
Take part in our 30-minutes interview about our course, and we will give you another one training day with care, movement and strength workouts!
Fill the form below and we will come to you to choose time